


以”勇敢和好奇心“作为处事态度,与世界对话。 在裸筑历往项目中,尽可能探索,尝试,突破约定俗成的规则,重建一种更有趣的秩序,始终希望成为万里挑一的“有趣灵魂”。 裸筑是设计边界模糊的“独立小型事务所”,事务所成员常年维持在10人,团队工作状态极其稳定,有能力涉猎从建筑到室内到产品的不同维度。 同时,多年的落地磨合经历,积累了一群可靠,心智稳定的匠人伙伴,有自己的钢木石实验车间,拥有直接测试,落地创意的能力。 这个世界上绝大多数项目千篇一律,而裸筑的设计价值观应该是,更自然的建筑,更善意的空间,更有趣的产品。 这6年来,我带领团队,经历的每一个好奇和探索,以应对每一处勇敢和实践!

Established by Robben BAI in 2016. RoarcRenew is a design firm with courage and curiosity in its soul and practice. With every project, RoarcRenew always tried its best to explore and innovate so that we were not restricted by established rules, and we are proud to rebuild an interesting order with spirit of fun at its best. RoarcRenew is a small and independent design firm with few restricting boundaries. RoarcRenew dynamically keep employee number at about 10 in past few years, so the team is stable with excellent capability on various field, ranging from construction, interior design and product design. With years of collaboration and run-in practice, RoarcRenew had built a team of reliable craftsman. Furthermore, we have our own test shop for steel, timber and stone, making it possible for an immediate idea testing and verifying practice without delay. This world is full of ordinary projects, but RoarcRenew intend not to add one of them with our hands. What our focus is architectures closer to nature, space with more kindness and products with a fun soul. For past 6 years, led by Robben BAI, RoarcRenew is exploring every practice with courage and curiosity, and the principle will always stay with us for every aspiration we produce in future.

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